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Key Benefits

  • 1. Improve immunity
  • 2. Controlling blood sugar
  • 3. Shiny hair
  • 4. Healthy skin
  • 5. Dental health

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many nutrients that can contribute to your health and to a good diet. It's full of fatty acids that your body needs and may help improve cognitive function, metabolism, and hair and skin health.

Coconut oil is made by pressing fresh coconut meat or dried coconut meat called copra. Virgin coconut oil uses fresh meat, while refined coconut oil typically uses copra. Unlike olive oil, the terms “virgin” and “extra virgin” are not regulated with coconut oil.

How to use:

  • Coconut oil may have many potential benefits for the skin.
    Coconut oil is also very moisturizing for dry skin. A person can apply coconut oil directly to the skin.
    Just take half a teaspoon of sugar and mix it with a spoonful of coconut oil. Gently rub it on your face and neck in small, circular motions for one minute. This natural face scrub will slough off dirt and dead skin, while also giving you glowing skin naturally.
  • you can use coconut oil on your face every day and night. All you need to wash your face, dry it, and apply a small amount of coconut oil on your face at night and every morning.
  • simply warm the coconut oil and apply it to dry hair, using a wide-tooth comb to distribute the oil evenly, starting at the midsection of your hair and continuing to the ends. For a quick treatment, leave it on for 30 minutes, then shampoo and condition your hair as usual.
  • Coconut oil is high in saturated fats, which means it's stable and doesn't appear to change quality during deep frying. This may make coconut oil a good choice for frying.

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